School Compost Program Logistics

If you'd like to know how  the compost programs at our schools work:


In the very beginning of our compost program (late 2015), we asked school PTA/PTOs, New England Grassroots Environment Fund, and a local charity (Lexington Education Fund) to fund a pilot program in three schools. They were all extremely supportive and responsive. And most importantly, wrote us checks.

After the first few months, our public schools Superintendent said, we’ll put it in next year’s school budget! So the compost pickup program has been funded by LPS since the fall of 2016.

By the fall of 2019, the roll-out had been completed; all nine LPS school kitchens and cafeterias were diverting all food/organic waste to the composting program every day!

Key to Success:

In the Cafeteria & Kitchen:

Before lunch, we bring in clean/lined 64-gallon toter(s) inside the cafeteria for students to throw in food waste directly (occasionally the toter may have some scraps from the kitchen in the bottom, which is fine).

At some kitchens, staff  put food scraps in a 5-gallon bucket on the processing counter and empty it in a compost toter.  At the larger high school and middle schools, the kitchens use their own 64-gallon toter.

Our lunch trays are compostable, though not all students use them, they take up space in the compost toters. So we stack them first before throwing in with the food waste.  This doesn't always happen at the HS. 

Compost Pickup Logistics:

If you want to calculate the cost and how many 64-galling toters you need, our experience has been (this includes kitchen scraps from food preparation): 

Black Earth Compost picks up: 

Black Earth Compost has been very flexible and responsive in pick up scheduling as they pick up compost from residents in Lexington as well. We have been extremely satisfied with their service and they are a Preferred Vendor in Lexington.

Next Steps:

Harrington Elementary School

Bowman Elementary School

Diamond Middle School

Clarke Middle School

Lexington High School

Further Resources