Resources for General Bylaws Chapter 81. Plastic Reduction

Article II. Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Food Serviceware and Packaging Reduction

Article III. Single-Use Plastic Beverage Straw and Stirrer Reduction

Business Waste Reduction Resource:

ReThink Disposable is a technical assistance program to help food business operators reduce waste and cut costs by minimizing disposable packaging items.

FAQ and Visual Guide

2020EPS-straws-stirrers bylaws FAQ/visual guide

Let's Reduce Plastic Pollution

Citizens Articles was brought by LPS Green Teams, Girl Scout Troops, and Lexington residents to 2019 Town Meeting to reduce:

  • Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Food Serviceware and Packaging (Article 30)
  • Single-Use Plastic Beverage Straws and Stirrers (Article 31).

Our Outreach Booklet

2019bans-poly-straws-stirrers mailer

Supporters of Proposed Bylaws in Article 30 & 31:

Girl Scout Presentation BoS.mp4

Troop 65411

Artistry on the Green